The appetite for wireless has grown substantially since the wide-scale launch of mobile phones over a decade ago. While existing mobile operators developed their businesses through enriched features, Telus saw room for a new brand with a new approach to reach value-driven consumers.
Taxi’s marching orders were to create a mobility brand unlike any other, with the objective of dominating the value segment.
To achieve this goal, the agency created a wholly integrated brand committed to a singular idea whose strong appeal to one target group risked being lost on others. Taxi identified Generation Y as the group that represented the greatest potential for the brand among the value segment. Their irreverent sense of humour and desire for a high-value brand, combined with the stripped-down appeal of the offering, led to the advertising proposition of “fat-free mobility,” and from there to the campaign idea.
Playing off the retro appeal of the ’80s and The 20-Minute Workout in particular, the warm-up phase was a two-week tease to seed the brand via its vibrant colours, and to hint at the workout to come.
For the full-force launch, Canada’s major cities were swarmed by Spandex-clad men and women dubbed “Koodocizers” working out on billboards, buses, television and other ambient environments. Consumers were encouraged to “flatten system access fees,” “reduce bill bulge” and check out “the cure for that mobility muffin top.”
The agency created the Koodo brand from inception to launch, carrying the campaign idea through into packaging, the retail environment, the website (koodomobile.com) and even a fake infomercial done in true ’80s style.