
Lipton Cup-A-Soup   Canadian Value Of Music Coalition   YWCA   Night Exchange   Danier Leather


Historically, Lipton Cup-A-Soup had been enjoyed by women who ate it with lunch, at home. With two new flavours launching - Creamy Thai Chicken and Oriental Beef - Zig wanted to reach a new audience. Hardworking adults were identified as the key opportunity; Lipton Cup-A-Soup could provide that extra energy they need to make it through their busy afternoons.

Knowing that a big idea could overcome a small budget, Zig orchestrated a guerrilla stunt to augment the print ads. A rickshaw driver dressed in traditional Asian garb heralded the news by "pulling" a billboard with the "Energy Asian-style" message around Toronto. Samplers joined him on the route to ensure everyone in the downtown core experienced Lipton Asian Cup-A-Soup. The launch generated strong sales results for the two new flavours, and delivered a punch to the rest of the lineup.


Asian Energy

Out Of Home

Guerilla Stunt

Guerilla Stunt Footage

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