Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch USA) Gatorade Ice And Fierce Dunlop St. Michael's Majors Bud Light (Labatt) BUDWEISER Anheuser-Busch USA's Budweiser is a huge brand in the U.S. - a very dangerous position to be in when you compete in a youth-driven category. Luckily, Budweiser has the word "genuine" at its core - it's been on the label for over 100 years. Downtown Partners decided that the best way to convince today's somewhat cynical youth that you're genuine is to tell them the truth, show them that you understand what their life is like, and how Budweiser fits into it. The truths are different in each execution (men and women have very different issues with fashion, white people want to be a part of hip hop culture), but the net impression is that Budweiser truly understands what your life is like, and will make you laugh out loud to prove it. Television
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