The Movie Network Covenant House Mark's Work Wearhouse Mini Viagra MINI Goal number one for last year's Canadian Mini launch was to avoid the trap of being labeled the year's cute car. This year's challenge was to prove Mini's small-but-potent positioning by demonstrating performance in a uniquely Mini way. TV ads highlighted safety, speed and spaciousness (in the particularly racy "Threesome" execution). An installation at the Auto Show turned the underground walkway at Toronto's Union Station into an obstacle course where pillars became pylons and tire marks on the floor made it clear that this was Mini's turf. Down the street, a cage typically reserved for a zoo contained the car and warned passers-by not to disturb its occupant. The result was a sales increase of 25% over last year by June 2003. Canada was a leader not only in sales, but in ideas as well: the Mini cage has already made an appearance in Germany. Television
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